
Goat Turf Blog

Winter Turf Benefits in Nashville: Low Maintenance for Busy Homeowners

December 6, 2024|Categories: Artificial Turf Supply, Lawns & Landscape, Patios, Residential|

Nashville’s winters can feel relatively short – at least compared to many of the US’ other major cities. However, there’s always a chance of a cold snap and, as we witnessed in January, when they bite, they can bite really hard. For huge numbers of homeowners in Music City, such weather can have a major impact on the look, feel and safety of their front and backyards, creating a sizeable chunk of work at the very time of the year you want to be outside the least. One of the biggest selling points of artificial turf is the fact it requires little in the way of maintenance all year round, but it’s actually during the winter where it can really come into its own, as we explore here…

Artificial Turf Installation: DIY vs. Hiring a Professional – What You Need to Know

November 15, 2024|Categories: Lawns & Landscape, Residential|

So, you’ve come to the conclusion that artificial turf is a wise investment (good for you!) Now, you have to decide how to actually make it a reality. It can be very tempting to think that it’s something you can go ahead and install yourself, and we’d never judge you for giving serious thought to the idea.

Reducing Injuries with Artificial Turf in Indoor Sports Facilities

November 1, 2024|Categories: Indoor Sports Facilities, Lawns & Landscape, Residential, Sport Courts|

When you hear the case being made for artificial turf, there’ll be plenty said about its cost-effectiveness and its low maintenance nature – particularly compared to natural grass. And it won’t surprise you to read that, here at Goat Turf, we totally understand why! However, in a number of settings, another of turf’s biggest advantages can be found in its safety features, namely in playgrounds, backyard sports courts and, as we’ll be looking at here, indoor baseball and softball facilities.

Creating a Backyard Putting Green With Help From an Artificial Turf Supplier

November 1, 2023|Categories: Artificial Turf Supply, Putting Greens|

A backyard putting green can make it easier to practice your putting skills. Artificial turf is a good option for your new putting green because it is durable, low-maintenance, and cost-effective. Goat Turf is an artificial turf supply company that provides high-quality products for landscapers and installers. If you are creating a putting green in your backyard, here are some steps you can follow to help make sure your project is successful.

Different Turf Types for Different Spaces

March 28, 2023|Categories: Artificial Turf Supply, Balconies, Dog & Pet Areas, Indoor Sports Facilities, Lawns & Landscape|

Artificial grass comes in many varieties, each having unique characteristics that make it best suited for specific applications. Goat Turf is an artificial turf installation and artificial turf supply company that is an exclusive distributor of SYNLawn, the industry's highest-quality turf. Whether you want to purchase synthetic grass wholesale or retail, our artificial turf will perform exceptionally to fulfill your needs and preferences.

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