The Environmental Benefits of Turf During Winter
It’s fair to say we’re all a lot more conscious of our environmental footprint these days, and for the majority of us, doing our bit to help starts in our homes and yards. It may seem a little surprising to think that something that’s the very opposite of “natural” can benefit the environment but, as we discuss here, artificial turf is able to do just that. And while the winter can usually feel like a dormant season where our outdoor spaces are concerned, it’s often the time when turf really comes into its own when it comes to helping our planet, as well as ourselves…
Water Usage
Across many parts of the US, owners of yards made up of natural grass will know that having to water over the winter can still be a necessity – particularly in places like Tennessee, where weather conditions throughout the season can be unpredictable and there’s always scope for a warm, dry spell. Turf, however, doesn’t require any watering at all. Because it’s made up of synthetic materials, it’ll look lush and green all year round without needing any water to maintain its functionality or aesthetic appeal. That’s particularly good news if you live in a part of the country that’s prone to droughts or where there are concerns around water scarcity – or where it’s even having to be rationed. Furthermore, as there’s no need to water in the first place, you’ll never have to worry about overwatering – something that can be commonplace with natural grass and lead to a lot of water being wasted.
Fertilizers, Herbicides and Pesticides
It’s always good to steer clear of chemicals as much as possible – in any walk of life. But with natural grass, a rough winter can mean you’re left with little choice but to apply fertilizers to keep it growing, while herbicides and pesticides – though less effective during the colder months – are often utilized all year round. All three are contributors to pollution, contaminating local water networks after being washed away while also entering the food chain and harming wildlife. They also have a severe impact on soil health, reducing its fertility and leaving erosion a possibility. And, of course, a toxic environment can have major repercussions for us, too. Without a growth cycle to speak of, though, turf doesn’t require any chemical assistance to function. Furthermore, turf doesn’t provide pests with the habitat they require to settle in the first place, and nor is there anywhere for weeds to root in. So, as turf doesn’t require any sort of chemical intrusion whatsoever, you can be sure you’re dealing with a far cleaner and far safer environment.
Gas-powered Equipment
One of turf’s greatest advantages is the fact it’s so easy to maintain 12 months of the year, with the sorts of regular tasks associated with the upkeep of natural grass – including those referred to above – rendered unnecessary. And, a lot of the time, some of those jobs involve the use of heavy pieces of equipment, which are often fuelled by gas. Gas-powered tools emit carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide – both greenhouse gases which severely impact air quality. However, with turf, there’s no need to mow – something which you may still have to do during the winter with natural grass. Furthermore, because you can allow snow to lie on turf for longer (though it’s likely to melt quicker anyway), there’s really no need to operate a snow blower. Such tools also tend to be inefficient in terms of their fuel consumption.
Turf For All Seasons
It’s tempting to think the majority of artificial turf’s benefits will only really be felt during the summer, since that’s the time of the year where we’re outside the most. Here at Goat Turf, though, we know that’s far from the case, and that turf can prove its worth on both a practical and environmental level all year round. Contact us today for a free quote and to see how we can help you.