Artificial Turf Maintenance 101 – Simple Tips for Keeping Your Lawn Looking Great

2025-02-15T21:57:51-06:00January 27, 2025|Artificial Turf Supply, Lawns & Landscape, Patios, Playgrounds, Pool Areas, Residential|

Whether you’ve implemented artificial turf for a backyard, playground, putting green or something else altogether, you’ll barely know yourself with the time you save cutting down on maintenance. It’s something we talk about a lot here at Goat Turf, and it’s what leads a lot of people our way in the first place. But while the majority of the most time- and labor-intensive tasks associated with natural grass – like mowing or reseeding – are firmly things of the past, it’d be disingenuous of us to suggest that you’ll never have to tend to your turf at all once it’s been laid down.

Why Homeowners are Choosing Artificial Turf for Pool Areas and Patios

2025-02-15T21:58:14-06:00January 7, 2025|Artificial Turf Supply, Patios, Pool Areas, Residential, Uncategorized|

At this point of the year, it’s likely that most of us are looking out longingly at our yards and patios and willing the next few months away! Unfortunately, though, for many people, there’s a level of effort that has to take place before they’re actually in a position to make the most of their outdoor space, as well as a string of different things to keep on top of once it’s operational again.

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