Why Turf Installation is the Best Choice for a Relaxing Outdoor Space
It might still be a little while before things really warm up but, happily, the days are getting longer, spring is in the air and we’re all starting to slowly turn our attention towards the summertime. It’s when we long to be outdoors, making the most of the weather and hosting and entertaining family and friends. Sometimes, though, actually being able to wind down and relax in your own backyard is easier said than done, and it can often require a huge amount of effort just to get anywhere near that point. Where grass-covered yards can leave you frazzled throughout the year, installing artificial turf can alleviate you of just about all of that effort (and stress), as we take a look at in more detail here…
So, How Does Turf Compare to Other Surface Types?
If the sheer ability to relax is defined largely by the amount of upkeep and the amount of hassle you encounter with your choice of surface, turf really wins hands down.
Turf is obviously designed to resemble the look and feel of the best kind of natural grass, only a year-round green appearance is guaranteed. Because it’s made up of entirely synthetic materials, turf isn’t reliant on sunlight, soil or water to retain its lush appearance. Watering is among an abundance of routine maintenance tasks made redundant by turf, mowing being another obvious one because there isn’t any growth taking place. Similarly, turf doesn’t require any fertilizing or seeding, either.
We recognize it isn’t always as straightforward as “turf vs. grass”, though. You may well be mulling over a switch to turf from a concrete, gravel or wood-covered surface, to name just a few. None of those, though, provide the comfort of artificial turf, on which you can walk barefoot quite easily. A concrete surface is vulnerable to the weather and liable to crack – ruining the aesthetic appeal of your yard – while gravel can scatter and spread, making for an ugly sight and forcing you to redistribute it from time to time. Wood – the like of which features on decking – requires even more in the way of maintenance, needing regular staining and cleaning to keep it looking alluring and preventing it from rot.
What Other Benefits Does Turf Provide?
One of the best things about turf is its versatility. If you’re looking to transform your outdoor space into something beyond the norm, you could consider installing a putting green or even a sports court. Turf is fast becoming a popular choice for pool areas, too, providing the sort of peace of mind that’s hard to find elsewhere – especially if you’re a parent. Furthermore, if you’re a pet owner, you can breathe easy knowing that turf has the ability to neutralize virtually all of the odors brought about by waste – making for a much nicer environment if you’re entertaining! You’ll not have to worry about your furry friends ending up with muddy paws and jumping up at your guests, either…
As a turf owner, you can also reap the benefits of a space free of chemical intrusion. As said above, there’s no need to fertilize turf, and with herbicides and pesticides completely unnecessary, too, you’ll never have to worry about any nasty pollutants lurking in your surface – or interfering with the local environment.
Turf Probably Still Needs a Little Bit of Maintenance, Though, Right?
It does, yes, but it’s safe to say there isn’t an alternative surface that requires less. And all of your heavy duty tasks – the like of which can often require you to invest in expensive equipment – are collectively a thing of the past. Regardless of the season, the amount of maintenance you’ll have to carry out – particularly compared to natural grass – is cut considerably.
You’ll of course still have to pick up bits of debris – like leaves and sticks – which can jeopardize your turf’s drainage system if left to decompose. Occasionally brushing your turf (with a synthetic instrument rather than a metal one) from time to time will make sure its fibers stay upright and maximize its aesthetic appeal. Gently hosing your turf from time to time, meanwhile, will keep it looking clean and also do away with any dust or pollen that may be hovering around – which can in turn attract unwanted pests.
A World of Possibilities
Here at Goat Turf, we’re enormously proud to be Tennessee’s largest artificial turf company as well as a leading installer in Alabama, the Florida panhandle, Philadelphia and eastern Pennsylvania. We firmly believe that every space, every day, has the potential to make our lives better – a notion that’s at the heart of everything we do. Drop us a line today to see what we can do for you.