A Greener Choice – The Environmental Impact of Artificial Turf vs. Grass

Probably one of the biggest misconceptions surrounding artificial turf is that its very presence shows a disregard for all things natural and green. The reality, though, is that the reverse is usually true! At a time where every single one of us has been made to consider our own environmental impact more than ever before, huge numbers of people are beginning to see how installing turf can actually be far gentler on the planet than trying to maintain a natural grass surface, as we look at in more detail here…

Water Usage

We live in an era where parts of the country are subject to a permanent state of water rationing. While that mightn’t apply to you, it certainly pays – often quite literally – to be mindful of exactly how much water you’re using at home. And if you’re a natural grass owner living somewhere that’s prone to hot, dry spells, the likelihood is that you’re having to water pretty regularly just to keep it going. Lawn irrigation is a significant contributor to water scarcity, however, meaning you’re quickly looking at a very vicious circle.

But that’s the great thing about turf. Quite simply – and no matter which part of the country you happen to be in – turf doesn’t need to be watered to survive and thrive. Because it’s made up of entirely synthetic material, turf will look green and vibrant all year round entirely of its own accord. And as there aren’t actually any living elements to be mindful of, there’s no risk of it dying off. Not only will you notice a marked improvement to your water bill as a turf owner, you’ll also be taking a considerable amount of pressure off your local water resources.

Chemical Products

The chemicals associated with natural grass upkeep can do a lot of harm – not just for the environment, but for people, too. Unfortunately, though, lawns often need a regular dose of them to maintain their health, appearance and resilience. Fertilizers – usually composed of nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium (or a combination of the three) – compensate for nutrient-deficient soils by promoting growth. But even when they’re applied carefully, they can easily pollute nearby water systems and make soil more acidic, thus making it even less fertile. Pesticides and herbicides, meanwhile, may be engineered to protect your natural grass but are, by their very nature, highly toxic. The former can often end up affecting organisms that were never targeted, like bees and butterflies, which can play havoc with local ecosystems.

With artificial turf, though, you can rest assured knowing you won’t be contributing to any of that. There’s no need to use a fertilizer to encourage growth because turf, clearly, doesn’t grow, and will look just as lush in January as it will in June. And because it’s made up of non-organic matter, it doesn’t attract pests or encourage weed development in the way that natural grass does. You may still encounter insects from time to time, but they’re likely to be just passing through – not living there permanently!

Maintenance Equipment

We’re all probably very familiar with the term “carbon footprint” by now and, even if we’re not jet-setting or taking needless car journeys, we can still be adding to our impact in our own backyard. Gas-powered garden tools like lawnmowers, leaf blowers and chainsaws may feel like lifesavers at various times of the year but they’re terrible for our air quality, burning fossil fuels and emitting dangerous pollutants like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which can have a knock-on effect on our own health. They’re often inefficient when it comes to their energy use, too – burning more fuel than they need to – and ultimately rely entirely on non-renewable resources.

Arguably turf’s greatest selling point is the fact it requires so little in the way of maintenance. Even in the middle of winter, when there might be an urge for you to dust off the snow blower and throw it into action, you can take it easy knowing that you can let the white stuff lie on your turf without any fear whatsoever of it causing irreparable damage. Throughout the year, no growing means no mowing, and though you’ll still have to carry out a little TLC in the way of brushing or cleaning, some of the more pernickety tasks associated with natural grass upkeep – like edging – are rendered unnecessary, further cutting down on the need for gas-powered equipment.

Better For the Planet, Better For You

Once you’ve reaped the benefits of artificial turf, you’ll likely wonder how you ever got by without it, while also seeing first hand just how much more efficient it is in allowing you to do your bit for our world. That said, here at Goat Turf, we recognize that everyone’s motivations will differ somewhat and, with any project we ever get involved with, we keep that at the forefront of our minds from the outset. Drop us a line now to see what we can do together.