The Secret to a Low-Maintenance Yard That Gives You Your Weekends Back
When you’ve spent the week at the office, the last thing you want to be doing is frittering away your weekend doing work outside. After all, we work to live – not live to work. If you have a natural lawn to take care of, though, that can feel like a pipe dream, and because you spend so long tending to it, you can barely have any time left to enjoy it anyway! Making the switch to artificial turf, though, can genuinely have a revolutionary effect. Because there’s so little to do in the way of maintenance, you can focus on the things that really matter – both indoors and outdoors. But how, precisely, does turf leave your workload looking so light? That’s a question we’ll try to answer for you here…
Ditch The Mower
You know what it’s like: during the summertime, you can easily find yourself mowing the lawn one day and then having to do it all over again a couple of days later! At the very least, it’s a task you have to carry out regularly to stop your yard from going to wreck and ruin. Artificial turf, however, provides you with a clean break from having to mow. Why? Because it doesn’t grow! Turf is made up of entirely synthetic material, so there’s no growth cycle to speak of. The added benefit there, of course, is that your lawn will look perfectly trimmed without any effort whatsoever. There won’t be any grass clippings to dispose of, too.
Eliminate Watering
Maintaining a natural lawn is a constant balancing act; as said, there are times where it can feel like it’s growing too quickly, while there are other occasions where you’re having to help it along. Among the ways you do that, of course, is by watering. During the warmer months in particular, natural grass requires a lot of water to keep it functioning; without it, it’ll dry out, go brown and eventually die. However, artificial turf’s synthetic fibers don’t need any moisture whatsoever to retain their structure, or appearance. They’re built to withstand the elements, and as they aren’t reliant on any kind of root system, there’s no chance of anything drying out. As a result, you can enjoy looking out at something that’s green and vibrant all year round.
Say Goodbye to Pests
Knowing how troublesome a pest infestation can be if you have a natural grass-covered yard, it’s likely you’ll have to spend a fair amount of time – and energy – trying to keep those unwanted visitors at bay. Some pests feed directly on grassroots or stem, while others burrow their way through the soil in search of insects to eat, disrupting the lawn’s root system. Combating such issues – or preventing them from happening in the first place – is typically an ongoing process involving everything from natural repellents to harsher pesticides. With turf, though, you’re dealing with something that’s totally inorganic; there’s nothing to feed on or burrow into, and the absence of soil denies those little terrors a place to nest. Properly installed, turf won’t leave you with the issue of standing water, either – something which can provide a breeding ground for pests. The SYNLawn products we deploy here at Goat Turf boast proven drainage patterns that’ll last as long as your new turf itself.
Don’t Fear the Weather
No matter how much you might be on top of it, the reality is that the health of a natural lawn will always, to some extent, rely upon Mother Nature, and both the type and amount of work you carry out across the year changes with the seasons. Come winter, for example, you’ll typically have to think about fertilizing or over-seeding your lawn, and as soon as you’ve a build-up of snow, you’re likely going to have to head straight outside to shovel or blow it clear. That’s just not the way with artificial turf, though, where seasonal variation has next to no impact. There’s no risk of it going dormant during the winter, nor of it being affected by drought in the summer. Come the fall, debris removal is a far more straightforward task and there’s no need to winterize turf going into the colder months. And even when there is a bit of snow lingering, you can allow it to lie on your turf for a while without worrying about it causing any permanent damage; turf doesn’t freeze, and because it’s more of a heat conductor than natural grass, snow is likely to melt quicker on it anyway.
Transform Your Yard, Transform Your Life
At Goat Turf, we passionately believe that every space, every day, has the potential to make our lives better. Our yards and lawns should help us to decompress from life’s other stresses – not add to them. Get in touch with us today to find out more about how turf can vastly improve both the practical and aesthetic appeal of your outdoor space.