How Artificial Sod Transforms Your Lawn with Zero Effort

Looking after natural grass can be a year-round challenge; a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows but rarely one with any positive guarantees. On an aesthetic level, as well as a practical one, you’re always at the mercy of Mother Nature, and making the most of your outdoor space – in whatever way you have in mind – can be a tall order. It’s little wonder, then, that more and more homeowners have been turning to artificial sod, giving their lawns an immediate lift as well as cutting down virtually completely on the workload they have to grapple with each and every season. Here, we take a closer look at why…

An Instant Impact

While the installation process obviously doesn’t take place overnight (we wouldn’t be doing much of a job if it did!), one of artificial sod’s greatest selling points is the fact you can start reaping the benefits of it as soon as it’s been laid down. You’re not going to be waiting around for anything to grow, and nor will you have to aid that process along the way. Turf looks green, lush and vibrant from the outset – and that’s the way it’ll stay.

Don’t Fear the Weather

Some of you may be asking: “Can artificial sod really look exactly the same in January as it does in July?” Well, yes, it really can, because the elements have no bearing whatsoever on turf’s ability to grow (because it doesn’t!) or appear green. Because it’s made up of entirely synthetic materials, there isn’t a growth cycle to speak of, and the brown, dormant grass you’re so used to seeing in cold, dry conditions is a thing of the past. Furthermore, the industry-leading SYNLawn sod we deploy here at Goat Turf is composed of UV-resistant fibers, preventing any fading from taking place.

A Sense of Consistency

A relatively small, flat patch of natural grass can be hard enough to maintain as it is, so if you’re dealing with shady spots, slopes or areas that struggle to drain, we can only imagine the struggle. In fairness, having a hilly yard or problems with water pooling isn’t just an issue where natural grass is concerned – such things can cause plenty of hassle with other surfaces, too. But with artificial sod, you can achieve something that you might never have thought possible: a lawn where no two parts, no matter how far apart, look or behave differently in the slightest.

Incredible Durability

If you’re a natural grass owner, it’s perfectly possible you can get to a point where you’re happy with the way your yard is looking. Only once you start to put it to use, your efforts can quickly be rendered futile! Artificial sod, however, is able to stand up to all amounts of foot traffic, as well as anything your kids – or pets – might be getting up to. With pets, and where waste has been an issue in the past, we can even equip your new turf will odor-absorbing infill: completely safe, environmentally friendly and capable of doing away with 80% of those nasty smells.

If You’re on The Move…

It’s a fact of life that we shift from house to house, often at relatively little notice. When we do, making our home an attractive proposition to a would-be buyer (or renter) can be as much about the outside of it as the inside. In the run-up to a listing, we can be scrambling around desperately in an effort to get our lawns, and yards as a whole, looking orderly and pretty. If your home boasts artificial sod out front, though, there are no such concerns. It’s an instant elevator, guaranteed to garner people’s attention immediately while also giving the new potential occupants one thing less to worry about having to sort out for themselves. Even if you’re not going anywhere, though, a turf-covered front yard will mean your home scores top marks for curb appeal 12 months of the year – and might even mean you’re the envy of the neighborhood!

Realize The Difference with Goat Turf

Here at Goat Turf, there’s nothing we love more than helping people create the outdoor space of their dreams, transforming not just their lawns but their whole lives, too. We’re lucky to see the difference artificial sod can make every day, resulting in hundreds of success stories each year. And you could be next! Get in touch with us now to arrange a personal consultation.